Multispatial ; Hyperspatial
- Spatial computing
Computing that involves multiple spatial dimensions or environments (i.e. metaverse).
– - Hyperspatial computing
A computing paradigm that extends beyond traditional spatial dimensions, potentially involving higher-dimensional data processing or interfaces (i.e. digital twins and digital triplets that mirror between physical reality and digital metaverse).
– - Temporospatial computing
Computing processes that consider both temporal (time-based) and spatial (location-based) dimensions in phygitality.
– - Hyper-realistic
Digital creations that are extremely lifelike and detailed, often indistinguishable from reality.
– - Hyper-engaging
Interactive content or experiences designed to be highly captivating and immersive, holding the user’s attention significantly.
– - Hyper-virtualised
An environment or system that is extensively virtualized, with many, if not all, components existing in a virtual rather than physical form.
– - Hyper-adaptive
The virtualized environment’s systems or processes that are extremely flexible and capable of adjusting quickly and efficiently to new conditions or changes.
– - Hyper-multimodaled
A system or approach that integrates multiple modes or methods of operation, possibly in a highly advanced or complex manner.
– - Hyper-personalized
The use of AI and real-time data to deliver highly individualized content, products, and services to each phygital individual.