Top Digital Transformation Voice
This is my 4th Top Voice badge awarded by the LinkedIn Community. This time the award is on Digital Transformation for my part in elaborating and visualizing to the community on the complementary importance of digital innovation and digital transformation by means of the agile DevOps practice.
Personally (and from professional networks), my two most monumental advocacies of the term Digital Transformation via my white-blue inrticate documentation, and the socialization of the term Digital Transformation.
Digital Transformation were of my presenting in July 2019 to the Minister of Education and the Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries of Education of my authored eBook “The Digital Transformation of the Education System”. The eBook (excluding inset pages) was more than 1,200 pages of texts and visualization diagrams on Digital Transformation, comprised of a compilation of 17 chapters into a compendium. Each chapter augurs the 6 parts of education, notably,
- Internet Ecosystem,
- School VLE Ecosystem,
- Industry 4.0 (Emerging and Innovative Technologies for the Industrial Revolution (E.I.F.I.R)),
- ETD Architecture,
- Innovator Ecosystem, and
- Innovation Factory.
(1) and (2) represents the Process, (3) and (4) represents the Tools and Technologies, and (5) and (6) represents the People / Peopleware a.k.a. DevOps.
The technology adoption included Smart Schools, Adaptive Learning Management System, On-Stream video channel platform, Resource Management System, and other digital innovation. The 1,200+ paged Compendium is itself a comprehensive plan with Phase 1 to end 2029.
On the 7th September 2019 during the 1st Digital Economy Retreat event at Mangrove Paradise Resort, all government organizations and government linked entities (e.g. IFB) convened together on structuring the term Digital Economy. Given that I have been a digital transformsist since 2016, I presented on the term, conceptualization and strategy of Digital Transformation and shared an overview of the compendium above. Being a digital transformist, I have always been adamant of the prerequisites of digital transformation, viz. People, Process and Technology, with People preceding and prevails both Process and Technology
The key construct of Digital Transformation is the first mention of its relevance and in fact epitome of Digital Economy. Thus, the resulting Digital Economy Masterplan 2022-2025 highlighted Digital Transformation as the conduit of Vision and Mission, with the Vision being “Smart Nation Through Digital Transformation” and the Mission being “To Drive and Enhance Brunei Darussalam’s Socio-Economic Growth Through Digital Transformation”.
As per my advocacy of Digital Transformation, the foundational basis of digital transformation, digital innovation and digital maturity lies on one underlying requirement, DevOps. Hence, as how I have spread Digital Transformation, I am also spreading DevOps methodology.