Splunk7x Fundamentals
Splunk Fundamentals provides essential knowledge for effectively using Splunk, a powerful platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data. While the specific courses labeled as “Splunk Fundamentals” have been retired, I recommend starting your Splunk journey with the following three free courses:
- What is Splunk?: This course introduces you to Splunk’s capabilities and its role in handling data, searching, and visualization. Register for free here.
- Intro to Splunk: Dive deeper into Splunk’s search and navigation features. Learn how to create robust searches, reports, and charts. Access this course for free here.
- Using Fields: Understand how to work with fields in Splunk, including extracting, transforming, and using them effectively. Register for free here.
Remember, these courses are designed to kickstart your journey with Splunk. Explore additional training offerings based on your needs and interests. For more information about Splunk certifications and learning paths, visit the Training & Certification page. Happy learning! 🚀🔍📊.