A.I. (Intelligenza Artificiale)

One of the most comprehensive and cultural history courses on Artificial Intelligence I have ever sat for. Certainly recommended for anyone interested in learning about archaic AI, of how Pinocchio and Frankenstein in literary works are representative of AI. Then the course moves on to future and technical AI, solving algorithms and robot code as how most AI courses do.
This course is 40 hours, but the amount of reading would double that. The course adapts from the work of big names in AI with sections dedicated for each, including seminal work by Danilo Pau, Fabio Martini, Maria Rosanova, Fabio Macciardi, Manuela Berlingeri, Mirta Vernice, Vincenzo Fano, Dom Haldaway, Alessandra Calancchi, Ricardo Zecchina, Pietro Leo, and many others.
Anyone enrolling in this will absolutely come out of it wiser.

Read my other related news post

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