SRE2 Videos

DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering

Embarking on my DevOps journey has been transformative From the outset, I learned how to harness DevOps principles and practices to revolutionize the way organizations operate. As Agile practices have reshaped software development, I found myself bridging the gap between rapid development and traditional waterfall practices. Through modern principles and state-of-the-art automation tools, I was […]

Gremlin Certified Chaos Engineering Practitioner

The Gremlin Certified Chaos Engineering Practitioner (GCCEP) program is designed to validate your expertise in Chaos Engineering using Gremlin, a powerful tool for creating controlled disruptions in your systems. Here are the key details: Certification Overview: Title: Gremlin Certified Chaos Engineering Practitioner Purpose: Demonstrate your reliability expertise and advance your career. Skills Demonstrated: Starting and […]
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