Creating a Spark for Artificial Intelligence
IBM Creating a Spark for Artificial Intelligence is an introductory course that familiarizes participants with the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Here are the key components covered in this course:
- Foundational AI Concepts:
- Participants learn and define five key terms related to AI: AI, neural network, big data, algorithm, and machine learning.
- Through analogy, interactive games, and activities, learners gain familiarity with these essential concepts.
- Teaching Tools for AI Exposure:
- Educators receive tools to use with their own students, exposing them to AI concepts.
- The course emphasizes the importance of play in education, highlighting engaging ways to introduce AI to learners.
By completing this course, educators and learners alike will be better prepared to understand and engage with AI, setting the stage for further exploration and application. 🌟🤖
For more information, you can explore the IBM AI Education page1.