EnglishGuru website

With Flash (.fla and .swf) having been deprecated from all browsers and machines, perhaps it is timely to archive projects of the yesteryear.

EnglishGuru was a Flash-based project I developed 18 years ago (2006). Before the age of HTML5, the functions of ActionScript, Math and Math Applets enabled and empowered user interfaces for education. As a VLE, the application provided autograder, responsive scrubber, Input and Dynamic TFs, and onHover onPress shenanigans before there was HTML5. Before WordPress, Drupal, Joomla provided alternative avenues, ActionScript was the go-to IDE from games to websites.

Codebases today, with C++, C#, modern JS, now increasingly on low-code no-code, makes working lightspeed. Compares me between my time as a Flash and Java/J2me games developer of the early 2000s to my 13-year old whose these days developing metroidvania and 2D games using Construct 3 and Lua on low-code. Archived video of this learning platform/VLE now viewed using Ruffle.

Read my other related news post

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