Neo4j Certified Professional
The Neo4j Certified Professional certification is an accredited certification from Neo4j that validates your expertise in using Neo4j, a popular graph database management system. Here are the key details:
- Certification Overview:
- Objective: The certification demonstrates your proficiency in Neo4j and graph database concepts.
- Cost: The certification is available to you at no cost.
- Format:
- Duration: You have one hour to complete the exam.
- Questions: The exam consists of 80 short-response and multiple-choice questions.
- Passing Score: You need to score > 80% to receive the certificate.
- Benefits:
- Distinguish yourself as a Neo4j expert.
- Showcase your skills to employers, customers, and colleagues.
- Advance your career in the growing field of NoSQL and graph databases.
- How to Get Certified:
- Take the Neo4j Certified Professional exam to certify your existing experience and skills.
- Upon passing, you’ll be rewarded with a Neo4j T-shirt in a color of your choice (you’re entitled to one free T-shirt if you certify).
- Frequently Asked Questions:
- If you have questions regarding the Neo4j Certification Program or the exam, please email
Now is the perfect time to demonstrate your expertise and advance your career as a Neo4j professional. 🚀🔗📊.