Intel Cloud Fundamentals

Intel Cloud Fundamentals is a comprehensive course offered by Intel that provides a solid foundation in cloud computing. Here are the key aspects of this course: Course Overview: The course aims to enhance your understanding of cloud technologies, especially those impacted or driven by Intel. It covers various topics related to cloud adoption, including cloud […]

Teaching with Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a web service that allows teachers and students to create, manage, and share classes online. It provides an easy-to-use platform for education, integrating seamlessly with other Google products. Here’s what you need to know: Getting Started: Teachers: Sign in to Google Classroom using your G Suite for Education account. If your school […]

Data Analysis and Statistical Inference

The Data Analytics and Statistical Inference course offered by Duke University via Coursera provides a comprehensive understanding of statistical data analysis using the R programming language. Here are the key aspects of this course: Course Overview: This specialization focuses on mastering data analysis with R. Topics covered include basic data visualization, statistical testing and inference, […]
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